Ionic For Partners

The core of the Ionic is the ability for any community to enjoy the ability to have a completely customised isolated pool of their own. These pools are, at their core, the place where liquidity, collateral, and yield intersect.

Liquidity: Ionic is focused on providing liquidity through the collateralization of assets in the most capital efficient manner possible.

Market: Ionic is a place where liquidity providers (LPs) and borrowers meet to exchange collateral for liquidity (Depending on on the tier of the pool borrower restrictions may apply).

Yield: Ionic optimises capital allocation to be as productive as possible, allowing LPs to earn risk adjusted returns that keep the system in balance. Yield in Ionic can originate from plugin into external sources as well as can be generated internally through the modalities of the market.

These tenants are what enables any community to leverage Midas in a way that their members can benefit from an entire new set of modalities in terms of how their assets are allocated and can be used productively.

The Isolated Tiered Pool Model

The ability to support the widest ranges of communities without incurring the structural risks that many money markets suffer from comes from the fundamental way in which our platform is structured — the isolated tiered pool model. Each pool operates independently from one another, no matter the tier of the pool or its permissions. In other words, pools are not connected to or influenced by other pools, and they have their own unique set of risk parameters and supported assets.

Isolated pools may be created for a variety of reasons, such as to support a specific type of asset, to serve a specific group of investors, to deepen liquidity though looping strategies with established and respective b2b partners and liquidity providers, to decrease the selling pressure of the protocol token, to leverage the treasury to run yield bearing strategies, or to facilitate transactions in a particular geographic region.

Tier 1

Permissionless money market with well established assets such as L1, L2 and L3 network tokens, stablecoins, and blue chip assets.

Tier 2

Hghly customized semi-permissioned isolated pools deployed through Ionic SDK or on the Ionic Pro web app. Anyone can supply into the pool, however, only whitelisted addresses can borrow against the supplied capital (Treasury, LPs, Partners).

Tier 3

Fully customized permission-only pool deployed through Ionic SDK. Only whitelisted addresses can interact with the pool at all.

Example Use-Cases:

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