Funding Operations

These are the core actions that enable users to actually use their funds within the protocol.

Enabling programmatic control of these operations offers a powerful shorthand to developers interested in integrating with Ionic.

The functions here shown enable the typical interactions with a Money Market:

  • Depositing collateral to a pool

  • Borrow funds against the deposited collateral

  • Repay the borrowed funds

  • Withdraw collateral from a pool

With these, protocol developers can seamlessly add a Borrow and Lending page to their web applications, and have a very concise interface with which they can enable users to perform the major operations against a lending & borrowing pool


Supply assets to a pool, with the option of enabling them to be used as collateral


  • cTokenAddress: string: the address of the cToken to be supplied

  • underlyingTokenAddress: string: the address of the underling token of the cToken to be borrowed

  • comptrollerAddress: string: the comptroller e.g., the pool's address

  • enableAsCollateral: boolean: whether the deposited underlying should be enabled to be used as collateral

  • amount: BigNumber: amount in BigNumber format

  • options: { from: string }: address from which to perform the funding


  • {tx: ContractTransaction, errorCode: number | null}


After having deposited into a pool and marked an asset as enabled for collateralization, you may perform a borrow against that asset


  • cTokenAddress: string: the address of the cToken to be borrowed

  • amount: BigNumber: amount to be borrowed in BigNumber format

  • options: { from: string }: address from which to perform the borrowing


  • {tx: ContractTransaction, errorCode: number | null}


Repay a borrow action, with the option of repaying the full amount instead of specifying an amount.


  • cTokenAddress: string: the address of the cToken to be repaied

  • underlyingTokenAddress: string: the address of the underling token of the cToken to be repaid

  • isRepayingMax: boolean: whether the maximum amount is being tried to be repaid

  • amount: BigNumber: amount to be repaid in BigNumber format

  • options: { from: string }: address from which to perform the repayment


  • {tx: ContractTransaction, errorCode: number | null}


Withdraw deposited funds from the pool. This redeems the underlying tokens deposited from the cTokens that belong to your account, and are currently not being used to collateralised a loan.


  • cTokenAddress: string: the address of the cToken to be withdrawn

  • amount: BigNumber: amount to be withdrawn in BigNumber format

  • options: { from: string }: address from which to perform the withdrawal


  • {tx: ContractTransaction, errorCode: number | null}

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