Data Fetching & Pool Introspection

Whether it be to create a custom dashboard, or just finding out what current positions look like, fetching pool information might be the first and foremost task that most developers will want to use

Initialisation always works the same way -- pick a chain and a provider, and create the ionic object

// Initialisation always works the same way -- 
// pick a chain and a provider, and create the ionic object

const sdk = new IonicSdk(provider, chainId);



  • poolId: string

  • address?: string


  • Promise<IonicPoolData>

The poolId is the canonical pool index, retrievable via the UI. E.g. -> poolId = 1

The address is the address of a pool user, e.g. someone that has provided liquidity, or borrowed assets. If passed, the function will returned detailed information about the user's balances.

const poolData = await sdk.fetchPoolData("1", "0x111...") => console.log(a.underlyingSymbol));

>>> "2brl", "WBNB", "ETH", "BUSD"

This returns a Promise of IonicPoolData. Check out the type definition for more information about the data contained in it.



  • filter: string | null

  • options: { from: string })


  • Promise<IonicPoolData[]>

Returns an array of ionic pools, given a specific filter. Filters can be:

"created-pools" | "verified-pools" | "unverified-pools"

Passing the { from: address } will return the detailed balances of the address provided


  • verification: boolean

  • options: { from: string }


  • Promise<(IonicPoolData | null)[] | undefined>

Slightly optimised data fetching function for expensive calculations that handles failures gracefully in case of using less efficient RPC endpoints

Last updated