Welcome to Ionic

One-stop liquidity management SDK. B2B infra solution for secure capital efficiency to boost any protocol or strategy.


Ionic protocol

A plug and play, end to end solution comprised of customizable isolated asset pool infrastructure, supported by a comprehensive security monitoring and failsafe system, neatly packaged in a robust SDK. With features such as leveraged liquidity, yield compounding, veToken mining and yield optimizers, combined with unrivalled asset support, the SDK offers extreme efficiency via a tiered pool structure for any DeFi and TradFi protocols.

What is Ionic?

Protocol, Interface, Core Team

There are 3 parts to "Ionic," and it is important to recognize the differences between each party involved.

The Ionic Protocol: A DeFi protocol that is built using Smart Contracts and run autonomously on EVM compatible blockchains in order to put crypto assets to use.

The Ionic Pro UI: A web app that provides easy to use tooling in order to interact with the decentralized protocol. This interface is one of the many ways of interacting with the Smart Contracts.

The Core Team: The core Ionic team that helps protocols to establish their own isolated pools.


Discord: https://bit.ly/Ionic_Discord Telegram: https://t.me/ionicmoney

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ionicmoney

Website: https://ionic.money/

Portal: TBA

Preview Portal: TBA

Risks: Dive a little deeper

Learn the risks of Midas Capital to get a deeper understanding of how the underlying technology works:Learn the fundamentals of our Product to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

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