Putting It All Together

In this guide, we'll showcase how to get the most of the SDK in a real-life project

While this guide is a work-in-progress, we have a full-fledged react-based/wagmi web-app that showcases how to make use of the SDK. You can find it here: TBA

SDK instantiation

// Context
export interface SDKContextData {
  sdk: IonicSdk;
  address: string;
  disconnect: () => void;
  currentChain: Chain & {
    unsupported?: boolean | undefined;
  chains: Chain[];

export const SDKContext = createContext<SDKContextData | undefined>(undefined);

// Hook
export function useSDK() {
  const context = useContext(SDKContext);

  if (context === undefined) {
    throw new Error(`useSDK must be used within a SDKProvider`);
  return context;


const { sdk, address, currentChain } = useSDK();

Source code

Pool Creation

  const { sdk, address, currentChain } = useSDK();
  const deployResult = await sdk.deployPool(
    whitelistedAddresses.length !== 0,
    { reporter },
    { from: address },

Source code

Fetching Assets

  const { sdk, address, currentChain } = useSDK();
  const { data: allPools } = useQuery(
    ['allPools', address, currentChain.id],
    async () => {
      return await sdk.fetchPoolsManual({
        verification: false,
        options: {
          from: address,
    { cacheTime: Infinity, staleTime: Infinity, enabled: !!address && !!currentChain.id }

Source code

Last updated